Due to an association with Don Denning at the time of his death, I was asked to prepare his collection for deposit in the California Academy of Sciences. While so doing I tried to note the names on his California specimens. I did not check them and, as Don often identified large numbers of specimens quickly believing he would check them before publishing, the names here are provisional until checked. I considered the names correct until they could be rechecked and many were not. My artist and I were able to find many of the specimens at the C.A.S. but not all of them. My opinion of species status is noted. I also was given the larval collection of Dr. David Lauck (Humboldt State Univ.) Which I prepared and donated to the C.A.S. This added a few more names to the list. My collection, which included that of Richard Gill, was also given to the C.A.S. Our material was predominately from the area from Tuolumne Co. into Kern Co. but we both collected in other areas of the state. I have also worked with Brian Quelvog on the aquatic insects of Tuolumne Co. And I have added species and localities from other sources such as the San Jose State Collection, BYU and the literature. Shannon also used specimens from USNM, UC Davis and Los Angeles County Museums in her drawings. In his work R. F. Gill had searched the literature and using the Denning named material plus the then available ones from our collecting made a provisional list of California species. Since then S. Bickford and I have extended the list. I hired Shannon Bickford, a scientific illustrator, to make drawings of the male genitalia of as many of the species as we could locate (for a few we could not locate Dennings specimens nor a few of those noted in the literature and so used out of state material). We were also aided by Nancy Ermin (UCD) O. S. Flint (USNM), and the curators at Univ. Cal. @ Davis, and Calif Acad. Sci. As the work was not finished, this is more of a progress report with the goal of making S. Bickford’s drawings available and my opinions on which species occur in the state, which are synonyms and which are undescribed. For my discussions I found it easiest to assign names to those that D. Denning thought were new and which I initially agreed or independently thought were undescribed. I have titled all the drawings with a species name and where there is more than one drawing for the species this is indicated by a following number (1,2,3). As the work was done awhile ago and I find the latinization of Greek adjectives to Greek generic names of little or no value nor worrying about gender correctness, I have in the drawings and my initial list retained some of the older endings. I will add a list at the end using these more acceptable names and eliminating species that I have deemed not likely in Calif. (despite a record) or list as synonyms in order to give an estimate of the number of species in the state. In conjunction with the drawings I will add my observations on status, locality or localities of note.
~ Dr. Don Burdick You may download the enire document here (this includes both drawings and my observations): (In Adobe .PDF format):
(In Microsoft Word 2007 .DOCX format): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16845251/Trichoptera%20of%20CA%20FINAL.docx
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