Saturday, February 27, 2010

Illustrations of CA Trichoptera

Here are all of my Trichoptera of CA Illustrations. Copies of the originals are in the Library of the California Academy of Science–search for "Shannon Bickford". You can download them here:

Use WinRAR to extract the illustrations. It's here (free):

Also a number of thumbnail illustration were created using Microsoft XPS (XML) Essentials pack. This means you can open each of these XPS collections by genus name, i.e., Rhyacophila, from within your browser. The thumbnails are here (Part 1):

And here (Part 2):

If you need to install the Microsoft Essentials pack for Internet Explorer, it's here (free):

The XPS viewer for Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, and Opera is here (free):


  1. Don - this is GREAT!! I am headed to UCDavis and CAS again to look at material. Trying to figure out those Hydropsyche amblis group critters, Allomyia and more new Ochrotrichia. I have a paper in press for a couple of the Ochrotrichia using Shannon's figures. Should be out this year. I will be sending you and Shannon a copy as soon as it is out.

    Are you using internet now? That is great. When I travel I carry a small pc and I was checking to make sure I had your web list on it and this site is what I found. I have no idea how these blog spots work so I guess I will have to learn.
    dave -

  2. Delighted to hear that you are using Shannon's drawings. Had I known, I might not have attempted to resurrect my work destroyed when Bio. Dpt. shut down its website. At the time I held a naive view of the permenence of web. My hope that those that deserved new species designation would be distinguished from those I first called new and then synonomized in same paper would be noted as an attempt to draw attention to Shannon’s drawings of specimens designated by D. Denning which when I compared them suggested they were synonymies of known species. This suggested that effort to reconsider variability should be undertaken which I attempted to use Shannon's ability to draw to express.
    Morse's letter suggesting the new species should be published awoke me to problem of official status of my proposed talons. If web is not equivalent to paper printed claims, then my species fall into a nodum nudum category. This was fine by me. I hoped my findings would be quickly picked up and established by others. The loss of many of the proposed Holotypes ended this hope.
    My blog is an attempt to make more complete set of Shannon's drawings available from that which I could find on the web. It also gives an Insect Survey form for workers to add to distribution data that could grow yearly. With the help of Patrick Bridgemon I went to an alphabet by species only and suggested a method of pictorial organization using "thumbnail" techniques.
