Here are all of my Trichoptera of CA Illustrations. Copies of the originals are in the Library of the California Academy of Science–search for "Shannon Bickford". You can download them here:
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Also a number of thumbnail illustration were created using Microsoft XPS (XML) Essentials pack. This means you can open each of these XPS collections by genus name, i.e., Rhyacophila, from within your browser. The thumbnails are here (Part 1):
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Saturday, February 27, 2010
Family Apatanidae
Allomyia cidoipes (Schmid) 1968
Apatania sorex (Ross) 1941
Pedomoecus sierra Ross 1947
Family Brachycentridae
Amiocentris aspilus (Ross) 1938
Brachycentris americanus (Banks) 1899
B. echo Ross 1947
B.occidentalis Banks 1911, new record
Micrsema bactro Ross 1947
M. dimicki (Milne) 1936
M. deteris Ross 1947
M. onisca Ross 1947
Family Calamoceratidae
Heteroplectron californicum McLachlan 1871
Family Glossomatidae
Agapetus acuda n.sp.
A. arcita Denning 1951
A. celatus McLachen 1871
A.joannia Denning 1965
A malleatus Banks 1914
A.marlo Milne 1936
A.orosus Denning 1950
A.taho Ross 1947
Anagapetus aisha Denning 1964
A. bernea Ross 1947
A. chandleri Ross 1951
A .thirza Denning 1964
Glossoma alascense Banks 1900
G. brunum Denning 1954
G. calificum Denning 1948
G.excitum Ross 1938
G. merecum Denning 1948
G. montanum Ross 1941
G. oregonense Ling 1938
G. penitum Banks 1914
G. pternum Ross 1947
G. schuhi Ross 1947
G. sequoia Denning 1973
G.traviatum Banks 1936
G.wenatchee Ross and Spenser 1952
Protoptila coloma Ross 1941
P. erotica Ross 1938
Family Goericidae
Goera archaon Ross 1947
G. genota (Ross) 1941
G.oregona Denning 1968
Family Helicopsychidae
Heliocosyche borealis (Hagen) 1861
H. mexicana Banks 1901
H. sinuata Denning and Blickle
Family Hydropschidae
Arctopsyche californica Ling 1938
A. grandis (Banks) 1900
Cheumatopsyche arizonsis (Ling) 1938
C. campyla Ross 1938
C. mickeli Denning 1941
C. mollala Ross 1941
Diplectrona california Banks 1914
Hydropsyche (Ceratopsyche) amblis Ross 1938
H.abella Denning 1952
H.californica Banks 1899
H. (Ceratopsyche) cockerelli Banks 1899
H. (Ceratopsyche) intrica Denning
H.occidentalis Banks 1900
H.oslari Banks 1905
H .philo Ross 1941
H. (Ceratopsyche) protis Ross 1938
H. (Ceratopsyche) cora (Denning) 1973
H. (Ceratopsyche) tana Ross 1938
Homoplectra nigripennis (Banks)
H.norada Denning 1975
H. oaklandensis (Ling) 1938
H. shasta DEnning 1949
H. spora Denning 1952
Parapsyche almota Ross 1938
P. elsis Milne 1936
P. extensa Denning 1948
P. spinata Denning 1949
P.turbinata Schmid 1968
Smicridea fasciatella McLachlan 1871
Family Hydrptilidae
Agraylea saltesa Ross 1938
Hydroptila ajax Ross 1938
H. artica Ross 1938
H.acoma Denning 1947
H.argossa Ross 1938
H.consimilis Morton 1905
H. hamata Morton 1905
H. icona Mosely 1937
H. modica Mosely 1937, new recoord
H.rono Ross 1941
H.xera Ross 1938
Ithytrichia clavata Morton 1905
I. mexicana Harris & Conteras-Remos 1988
Leucotrichia pictipes (Banks) 1911
Metricia gilli n. sp.
Neotrichia halia Denning 1947
N. okapa Ross 1939
Ochrotrichia aldama (Mosely) 1937
O.alexanderi Denning and Blickle 1972
O.nacora Denning and Blickle 1972
O.bari n.sp.
O.lucia Denning and Blickle 1972
O.ancala n.sp.
O.arizonia Denning and Blickle
O. perone n. sp.
O. bickfordi n.sp. .
O. burdicki Denning 1989
O.confusa (Morton) 1905
O. konikos n. sp.
O. dorai n. sp.
O.hadria Denning and Blickle 1972
O.buccata Denning and Blickle 1972
O. crista n.sp.
O. litos n.sp
O. logana (Ross) 1941.
O. alsea Denning and Blickle 1972
O. barbarae n.sp.
O. honeyi Blickle and Denning 1977
O. lometa (ross) 1941
O. sulfuri n,sp.
O. mono (Ross) 1941
O. n.sp. H
O. rothi Denning and Blickle 1977
O. phenosa Ross 1947
O. salaris Blickle and Denning 1977
O. stylata (Ross) 1941
O. tenuata Blickle and Denning 1977
O. trapoiza Ross 1941
O. arizonica Denning and Blickle 1972
O. perone n.sp.
O. vertreesi Denning and Blickle 1972
O.shannoni n.sp.
O. symploklos n.sp. 7
Oxyethira aculea Ross 1941
O. arizona Ross 1948
O.dualis Morton 1905
O. allosi Blickle 1980
O. pallida Banks 1904
Palaeapetus nearcticus Banks 1936
Stactobiella delira (Ross) 1938
Family Lepidostomatidae
Lepidostoma astaneum Denning 1954
L. calense Denning 1954
L. recinum Denning 1968
L. jewetti Ross 1946
L. licolium Denning 1975
L.podagrum (Maclachan)
L. roafi (Milne) 1936
L.cinereum (Banks) 1899
L.strophe Ross 1938
L.unicolor (Banks) 1911
L.ojanum Weaver and Meyers 1998
L.ermanae Weaver 1988
L. hoodi Ross
L.canadense (Milne) 1936
L.mireum Denning 1954
L.verodum Ross 1948
L. halsteadi n. sp.
L castalianum Weaver and Meyers 1998
L. baxea Denning 1958
L.canthum Ross 1941
L.errigenum Denning 1954
L.lotor Ross 1946
L.pluviale (Milne) 1936
L.veledum Denning 1948
Family Leptoceridae
Ceraclea annulicornis (Stephens)1836
C. cancellata (Betten) 1934
C. latahensis (Smith) 1962
C. tarsipunctata (Vorhies) 1909
C. transversa (Hagen) 1861 (not likely in Calif.)
Mystacides alafimbriata Hill-Griffin 1912
M. sepulchralis (Walker)
Nectopsyche dorsalis (Banks) 1901
N. gracilis (Banks) 1901
N. lahontansis Haddock 1977
N. minuta (Banks) 1900
Oecetis avara (Banks) 1895
O.disjuncta (Banks) 1920 (specimens I examined, no morph. break with O. avara)
O.inconspicus (Walker) 1852
O.ochracea (Curtis) 1825
Trianodes tardus Milne 1934
Ylodes frontalis (Banks) 1907
Y.n sp.
Family Limnephilidae
Allocosmoecus partitus Banks 1943
Amphicosmoecus canax (Ross) 1947
Asynarchus cinnamoneus (Schmidt) 1950
Chryanda centralis (Banks) 1900
Clistoronia magnifica (Banks) 1899
Clostoeca magnifera (Banks) 1914
Cryptochia califica Denning 1968
C. denningi Wiggins 1975
C. excella Denning Denning 1964
C. shasta Denning 1975
Desmona bethula Denting 1954
D. mono (Denning) 1970
Dicosmoecus atripes (Hagen) 1875
D.gilvipes (Hagen) 1875
Ecclisomyia bilera Denting 1951
E. conspersa Banks 1907
E. maculosa Banks 1907
E. simulata 1920
Glyphopsyche irrorata (Fabricius)
Halesochia taylori Banks 1904
Hesperophylax alaskensis (Banks)
H. designatus (Walker) 1852
H. magnus Banks 1918
H. occidentalis (Banks) 1918
Homophylax flavipennis Banks 1900
H.hainesi n.sp.
H.iapylax n.sp.
H.insularis Denning 1964
H. nevadensis Banks 1903
H. rentizi Denning 1964
Hydatophylax hesperus (Banks) 1914
H. katrinae n.sp.
Lenarchus brevipennis (Banks) 1899
L. gravidus (Hagan) 1861
L.rho (Milne) 1935, new recod
L.rillus (Milne) 1935
L.vastus (Hagen) 1861
Limnephilus acnestus Ross 1938
L.acula Ross and Merkley 1952
L.aretto Ross 1938
L.atercus Denting 1965
L.bucketti Denning 1965
L.catula Denning 1965
L.coloradensis Banks 1899
L.externus Hagen 1861
L.fagus Ross 1941
L. frijole Ross 1944
L.kennicotta Banks 1920
L.morrosoni Banks 1920
L. neoacula Denning 1965
L. nogus Ross 1944
L. occidentalis Banks 1908
L. peltus Denning 1962
L. productus Banks 1914
L. secludens Banks 1914
L. sierrata Denning 1968
L. spinatus Banks 1914
Onocosmoecus sequoiae Wiggins & Richardson 1986
O. unicolor Banks
Moselyana comosa Denting 1949
Philocasca rivularis Wiggins 1968
Pseudostenophylax edwardsi (Banks) 1920
Psychoglypha alascensis (Banks) 1900
P. avigo (Ross) 1941
P.bella (Banks) 1903
P. gilli n. sp.
P. klamathi Denning 1970
P. leechi Denning 1970
P.mazamae Denning 1970
P.ormiae (Ross) 1938
P. subborealis (Banks) 1924
P. whiskeyi n.sp.
Family Odontoceridae
Marilia flexuosa Ulmer 1905
Nerophilus californicus (Hagen) 1861
Parthinia denning n.sp.
P.linea Denning 1954.
P.vierra Denning 1973
Family Philopotamidae
Chimarra angustipennis Banks 1903
C.siva Denning 1949
C. elia Ross 1944
C. lara Denning 1971
C. utahensis Ross 1938
Dolophilodes aequelus (Banks) 1924
D.andora Denning 1989
D. dorcus (Ross) 1938
D. novusamericanus (Ling) 1938
D. pallidipes (Banks) 1936
D. sisko (Ross) 1949
Wormaldia anilia (Ross) 1941
W. gabriella (Banks) 1930
W. gesugta Schmid 1968
W. hamata Denning 1951
W. laona Denning 1989
W. pacita Denning 1956
W.n.sp.. (Noted in McElvray and Resh 1987)
Family Phryganeidae
Agrypnia dextra Ross 1938, new record
A. glacialis (Hagen) 1873
Banksiola crotchi Banks 1943
Phryganea cinera Walker 1852
Yphria california (Banks) 1907
Family Polycentropodidae
Polycentropus arizoniensis Banks 1905
P. denningi Smith 1962
P. fllavus (Banks) 1908
P. halidus Milne 1936
P. shannoni n.sp.
P. variegatus (Banks) 1900
Family Psychomyidae
Psychomya flavida Hagen 1861
P. lumina (Ross) 1938
Tinodes belisus Denting 1950
T.cascadenius Denning 1956
T. consuetus McLachlin 1871
T. gabrelli Denning 1973
T. parvulus Denning 1950
T.powelli Denning 1964
T. provo Ross and Merkeley 1950
T, schusteri Denning 1983
T. signodana Ross 1950
T. signodana Denning 1951
T. twilus Denning 1975
T. usillus Denning 1966
Family Rhyacophilidae
Himalopsyche phryganea (Ross) 1941
Rhyacophila chordata Denting 1989
R. rotunda Banks 1924
R. norcuta Ross 1938
R. ebria Denning 1949
R. basalis Banks 1911
R.oreta Ross 1941
R. tamalpaisi Denning 1975
R. tralala Schmid 1970
R. lineata Denning 1956
R.viquaea Milne 1936
R. celina Denting 195
R.darbyi Fields 1981
R. balosa Denning 1989
R. vagrita Milne 1936
R. alberta Banks 1918
R. tuculae Ross 1950
R. hyalineata Banks 1905
R. sonoma Denning 1948
R. vocala Milne 1936
R. velora Denning 1954
R. brunnea Banks 1911
R. acropedes Banks 1914
R. acuminata Fields 1981
R. inculta Ross and Spencer 1952
R. grandis Banks 1911
R. neograndis Denning 1948
R. vao Milne 1956
R. wallowa Denning 1956
R. sequoia Denning 1950
R. starki Smith and Weaver 1984
R. verrula Milne 1936
R. leechi Denning 1975
R. bifila Banks 1914
R. amablis 1965
R. sierra Denning 1968
R. insularis Schmid 1970
R. jenniferae Peck 1978
R. kernada Ross 1950
R. colradensis Banks 1904
R. valuma Milne 1936.
R. pellisa Ross 1938
R. colonus Schmid 1970
R. manistee Ross 1938
R. tamalpaisi Denning 1975
R. helix n.sp.
R. angelita Banks 1911.
R. vuzana Milne 1936
R. perplana Ross and Spencer 1952
R. california Ling1938
R. vedra Milne 1936
R, cerita Denting 1971
R, tehama Denning 1975
R. malkini Ross 1947
R.betteni Ling 1938
R.vaccua Milne 1936
R.spinata Denning 1965
R. siskiyou Denning 1975
R.ardala Denning 1965
R. fenderi Ross 1948
R. arcella Denning 1975
R. tulari n.sp.
R.nevadensis Banks 1924
R.vaefes Milne 1936
R. jewetti Denning 1954
R. arnaudi Denning
R. chandleri Denning 1956
R. kriki n.sp.
R. mosana Denting 1965
R. narvae Navas 1926
R. vepulsa Milne 1936
R. rayneri Denning 1989
R. reyseri Denning
R. sierra Denting 1968
R. n.sp. (R. parvaccua Wisseman and Denning, unpubl.)
R. ecosa Ross 1941
R. lurella Denting 1975
Family Sericostomatidae
Gumaga griseola (McLachan) 1871
G. nigricula (Lachlan) 1871
Family Uenoidae
Farula geyseri Denting 1989
F. honeyi Denning 1973
F. petersoni Denning 1973
F. praelonga Wiggins and Erman 1987
Neophylax occidentalis 1924
N. rickeri Milne 1935
N. splendens Denting
Neothremma alicia Dodds and Hisaw 1925
N. genella Denning 1966
N. mucronata Wiggins & Wisserman 1992
N.siskiyou Denning 1975
Oligophlebodes sierra Ross 1944
Allomyia cidoipes (Schmid) 1968
Apatania sorex (Ross) 1941
Pedomoecus sierra Ross 1947
Family Brachycentridae
Amiocentris aspilus (Ross) 1938
Brachycentris americanus (Banks) 1899
B. echo Ross 1947
B.occidentalis Banks 1911, new record
Micrsema bactro Ross 1947
M. dimicki (Milne) 1936
M. deteris Ross 1947
M. onisca Ross 1947
Family Calamoceratidae
Heteroplectron californicum McLachlan 1871
Family Glossomatidae
Agapetus acuda n.sp.
A. arcita Denning 1951
A. celatus McLachen 1871
A.joannia Denning 1965
A malleatus Banks 1914
A.marlo Milne 1936
A.orosus Denning 1950
A.taho Ross 1947
Anagapetus aisha Denning 1964
A. bernea Ross 1947
A. chandleri Ross 1951
A .thirza Denning 1964
Glossoma alascense Banks 1900
G. brunum Denning 1954
G. calificum Denning 1948
G.excitum Ross 1938
G. merecum Denning 1948
G. montanum Ross 1941
G. oregonense Ling 1938
G. penitum Banks 1914
G. pternum Ross 1947
G. schuhi Ross 1947
G. sequoia Denning 1973
G.traviatum Banks 1936
G.wenatchee Ross and Spenser 1952
Protoptila coloma Ross 1941
P. erotica Ross 1938
Family Goericidae
Goera archaon Ross 1947
G. genota (Ross) 1941
G.oregona Denning 1968
Family Helicopsychidae
Heliocosyche borealis (Hagen) 1861
H. mexicana Banks 1901
H. sinuata Denning and Blickle
Family Hydropschidae
Arctopsyche californica Ling 1938
A. grandis (Banks) 1900
Cheumatopsyche arizonsis (Ling) 1938
C. campyla Ross 1938
C. mickeli Denning 1941
C. mollala Ross 1941
Diplectrona california Banks 1914
Hydropsyche (Ceratopsyche) amblis Ross 1938
H.abella Denning 1952
H.californica Banks 1899
H. (Ceratopsyche) cockerelli Banks 1899
H. (Ceratopsyche) intrica Denning
H.occidentalis Banks 1900
H.oslari Banks 1905
H .philo Ross 1941
H. (Ceratopsyche) protis Ross 1938
H. (Ceratopsyche) cora (Denning) 1973
H. (Ceratopsyche) tana Ross 1938
Homoplectra nigripennis (Banks)
H.norada Denning 1975
H. oaklandensis (Ling) 1938
H. shasta DEnning 1949
H. spora Denning 1952
Parapsyche almota Ross 1938
P. elsis Milne 1936
P. extensa Denning 1948
P. spinata Denning 1949
P.turbinata Schmid 1968
Smicridea fasciatella McLachlan 1871
Family Hydrptilidae
Agraylea saltesa Ross 1938
Hydroptila ajax Ross 1938
H. artica Ross 1938
H.acoma Denning 1947
H.argossa Ross 1938
H.consimilis Morton 1905
H. hamata Morton 1905
H. icona Mosely 1937
H. modica Mosely 1937, new recoord
H.rono Ross 1941
H.xera Ross 1938
Ithytrichia clavata Morton 1905
I. mexicana Harris & Conteras-Remos 1988
Leucotrichia pictipes (Banks) 1911
Metricia gilli n. sp.
Neotrichia halia Denning 1947
N. okapa Ross 1939
Ochrotrichia aldama (Mosely) 1937
O.alexanderi Denning and Blickle 1972
O.nacora Denning and Blickle 1972
O.bari n.sp.
O.lucia Denning and Blickle 1972
O.ancala n.sp.
O.arizonia Denning and Blickle
O. perone n. sp.
O. bickfordi n.sp. .
O. burdicki Denning 1989
O.confusa (Morton) 1905
O. konikos n. sp.
O. dorai n. sp.
O.hadria Denning and Blickle 1972
O.buccata Denning and Blickle 1972
O. crista n.sp.
O. litos n.sp
O. logana (Ross) 1941.
O. alsea Denning and Blickle 1972
O. barbarae n.sp.
O. honeyi Blickle and Denning 1977
O. lometa (ross) 1941
O. sulfuri n,sp.
O. mono (Ross) 1941
O. n.sp. H
O. rothi Denning and Blickle 1977
O. phenosa Ross 1947
O. salaris Blickle and Denning 1977
O. stylata (Ross) 1941
O. tenuata Blickle and Denning 1977
O. trapoiza Ross 1941
O. arizonica Denning and Blickle 1972
O. perone n.sp.
O. vertreesi Denning and Blickle 1972
O.shannoni n.sp.
O. symploklos n.sp. 7
Oxyethira aculea Ross 1941
O. arizona Ross 1948
O.dualis Morton 1905
O. allosi Blickle 1980
O. pallida Banks 1904
Palaeapetus nearcticus Banks 1936
Stactobiella delira (Ross) 1938
Family Lepidostomatidae
Lepidostoma astaneum Denning 1954
L. calense Denning 1954
L. recinum Denning 1968
L. jewetti Ross 1946
L. licolium Denning 1975
L.podagrum (Maclachan)
L. roafi (Milne) 1936
L.cinereum (Banks) 1899
L.strophe Ross 1938
L.unicolor (Banks) 1911
L.ojanum Weaver and Meyers 1998
L.ermanae Weaver 1988
L. hoodi Ross
L.canadense (Milne) 1936
L.mireum Denning 1954
L.verodum Ross 1948
L. halsteadi n. sp.
L castalianum Weaver and Meyers 1998
L. baxea Denning 1958
L.canthum Ross 1941
L.errigenum Denning 1954
L.lotor Ross 1946
L.pluviale (Milne) 1936
L.veledum Denning 1948
Family Leptoceridae
Ceraclea annulicornis (Stephens)1836
C. cancellata (Betten) 1934
C. latahensis (Smith) 1962
C. tarsipunctata (Vorhies) 1909
C. transversa (Hagen) 1861 (not likely in Calif.)
Mystacides alafimbriata Hill-Griffin 1912
M. sepulchralis (Walker)
Nectopsyche dorsalis (Banks) 1901
N. gracilis (Banks) 1901
N. lahontansis Haddock 1977
N. minuta (Banks) 1900
Oecetis avara (Banks) 1895
O.disjuncta (Banks) 1920 (specimens I examined, no morph. break with O. avara)
O.inconspicus (Walker) 1852
O.ochracea (Curtis) 1825
Trianodes tardus Milne 1934
Ylodes frontalis (Banks) 1907
Y.n sp.
Family Limnephilidae
Allocosmoecus partitus Banks 1943
Amphicosmoecus canax (Ross) 1947
Asynarchus cinnamoneus (Schmidt) 1950
Chryanda centralis (Banks) 1900
Clistoronia magnifica (Banks) 1899
Clostoeca magnifera (Banks) 1914
Cryptochia califica Denning 1968
C. denningi Wiggins 1975
C. excella Denning Denning 1964
C. shasta Denning 1975
Desmona bethula Denting 1954
D. mono (Denning) 1970
Dicosmoecus atripes (Hagen) 1875
D.gilvipes (Hagen) 1875
Ecclisomyia bilera Denting 1951
E. conspersa Banks 1907
E. maculosa Banks 1907
E. simulata 1920
Glyphopsyche irrorata (Fabricius)
Halesochia taylori Banks 1904
Hesperophylax alaskensis (Banks)
H. designatus (Walker) 1852
H. magnus Banks 1918
H. occidentalis (Banks) 1918
Homophylax flavipennis Banks 1900
H.hainesi n.sp.
H.iapylax n.sp.
H.insularis Denning 1964
H. nevadensis Banks 1903
H. rentizi Denning 1964
Hydatophylax hesperus (Banks) 1914
H. katrinae n.sp.
Lenarchus brevipennis (Banks) 1899
L. gravidus (Hagan) 1861
L.rho (Milne) 1935, new recod
L.rillus (Milne) 1935
L.vastus (Hagen) 1861
Limnephilus acnestus Ross 1938
L.acula Ross and Merkley 1952
L.aretto Ross 1938
L.atercus Denting 1965
L.bucketti Denning 1965
L.catula Denning 1965
L.coloradensis Banks 1899
L.externus Hagen 1861
L.fagus Ross 1941
L. frijole Ross 1944
L.kennicotta Banks 1920
L.morrosoni Banks 1920
L. neoacula Denning 1965
L. nogus Ross 1944
L. occidentalis Banks 1908
L. peltus Denning 1962
L. productus Banks 1914
L. secludens Banks 1914
L. sierrata Denning 1968
L. spinatus Banks 1914
Onocosmoecus sequoiae Wiggins & Richardson 1986
O. unicolor Banks
Moselyana comosa Denting 1949
Philocasca rivularis Wiggins 1968
Pseudostenophylax edwardsi (Banks) 1920
Psychoglypha alascensis (Banks) 1900
P. avigo (Ross) 1941
P.bella (Banks) 1903
P. gilli n. sp.
P. klamathi Denning 1970
P. leechi Denning 1970
P.mazamae Denning 1970
P.ormiae (Ross) 1938
P. subborealis (Banks) 1924
P. whiskeyi n.sp.
Family Odontoceridae
Marilia flexuosa Ulmer 1905
Nerophilus californicus (Hagen) 1861
Parthinia denning n.sp.
P.linea Denning 1954.
P.vierra Denning 1973
Family Philopotamidae
Chimarra angustipennis Banks 1903
C.siva Denning 1949
C. elia Ross 1944
C. lara Denning 1971
C. utahensis Ross 1938
Dolophilodes aequelus (Banks) 1924
D.andora Denning 1989
D. dorcus (Ross) 1938
D. novusamericanus (Ling) 1938
D. pallidipes (Banks) 1936
D. sisko (Ross) 1949
Wormaldia anilia (Ross) 1941
W. gabriella (Banks) 1930
W. gesugta Schmid 1968
W. hamata Denning 1951
W. laona Denning 1989
W. pacita Denning 1956
W.n.sp.. (Noted in McElvray and Resh 1987)
Family Phryganeidae
Agrypnia dextra Ross 1938, new record
A. glacialis (Hagen) 1873
Banksiola crotchi Banks 1943
Phryganea cinera Walker 1852
Yphria california (Banks) 1907
Family Polycentropodidae
Polycentropus arizoniensis Banks 1905
P. denningi Smith 1962
P. fllavus (Banks) 1908
P. halidus Milne 1936
P. shannoni n.sp.
P. variegatus (Banks) 1900
Family Psychomyidae
Psychomya flavida Hagen 1861
P. lumina (Ross) 1938
Tinodes belisus Denting 1950
T.cascadenius Denning 1956
T. consuetus McLachlin 1871
T. gabrelli Denning 1973
T. parvulus Denning 1950
T.powelli Denning 1964
T. provo Ross and Merkeley 1950
T, schusteri Denning 1983
T. signodana Ross 1950
T. signodana Denning 1951
T. twilus Denning 1975
T. usillus Denning 1966
Family Rhyacophilidae
Himalopsyche phryganea (Ross) 1941
Rhyacophila chordata Denting 1989
R. rotunda Banks 1924
R. norcuta Ross 1938
R. ebria Denning 1949
R. basalis Banks 1911
R.oreta Ross 1941
R. tamalpaisi Denning 1975
R. tralala Schmid 1970
R. lineata Denning 1956
R.viquaea Milne 1936
R. celina Denting 195
R.darbyi Fields 1981
R. balosa Denning 1989
R. vagrita Milne 1936
R. alberta Banks 1918
R. tuculae Ross 1950
R. hyalineata Banks 1905
R. sonoma Denning 1948
R. vocala Milne 1936
R. velora Denning 1954
R. brunnea Banks 1911
R. acropedes Banks 1914
R. acuminata Fields 1981
R. inculta Ross and Spencer 1952
R. grandis Banks 1911
R. neograndis Denning 1948
R. vao Milne 1956
R. wallowa Denning 1956
R. sequoia Denning 1950
R. starki Smith and Weaver 1984
R. verrula Milne 1936
R. leechi Denning 1975
R. bifila Banks 1914
R. amablis 1965
R. sierra Denning 1968
R. insularis Schmid 1970
R. jenniferae Peck 1978
R. kernada Ross 1950
R. colradensis Banks 1904
R. valuma Milne 1936.
R. pellisa Ross 1938
R. colonus Schmid 1970
R. manistee Ross 1938
R. tamalpaisi Denning 1975
R. helix n.sp.
R. angelita Banks 1911.
R. vuzana Milne 1936
R. perplana Ross and Spencer 1952
R. california Ling1938
R. vedra Milne 1936
R, cerita Denting 1971
R, tehama Denning 1975
R. malkini Ross 1947
R.betteni Ling 1938
R.vaccua Milne 1936
R.spinata Denning 1965
R. siskiyou Denning 1975
R.ardala Denning 1965
R. fenderi Ross 1948
R. arcella Denning 1975
R. tulari n.sp.
R.nevadensis Banks 1924
R.vaefes Milne 1936
R. jewetti Denning 1954
R. arnaudi Denning
R. chandleri Denning 1956
R. kriki n.sp.
R. mosana Denting 1965
R. narvae Navas 1926
R. vepulsa Milne 1936
R. rayneri Denning 1989
R. reyseri Denning
R. sierra Denting 1968
R. n.sp. (R. parvaccua Wisseman and Denning, unpubl.)
R. ecosa Ross 1941
R. lurella Denting 1975
Family Sericostomatidae
Gumaga griseola (McLachan) 1871
G. nigricula (Lachlan) 1871
Family Uenoidae
Farula geyseri Denting 1989
F. honeyi Denning 1973
F. petersoni Denning 1973
F. praelonga Wiggins and Erman 1987
Neophylax occidentalis 1924
N. rickeri Milne 1935
N. splendens Denting
Neothremma alicia Dodds and Hisaw 1925
N. genella Denning 1966
N. mucronata Wiggins & Wisserman 1992
N.siskiyou Denning 1975
Oligophlebodes sierra Ross 1944
Burdick’s California Trichoptera Species List Circa 2000
In 1999, due to post polio syndrome , I ceased all trichoptera work, believing my work would remain on the web site of Cal. State University Biol. Dept. Unfortunately the Dept. closed this website due to lack of anyone willing to maintain it. After a number of years, they set up a new site but did not reestablish the data from the old. I remained unaware of this until 2009. I asked about this and found they believed the old data was there. To make my work available again I set up a blog hoping to link to the new site. Shannon’s illustrations will surely be of value in species recognition. My efforts still contain extensive distribution data denoting material that should be available at the Cal. Acad. Sci.
The determination of the species listed with a couple of exceptions were by Don Denning.On common material he turned this over to me. In his collection a number of specimens were were labeled with genus and a letter or word to area and n.sp. In my collection the specimens he indicated as new were handed similarly. When I prepared the manuscript, I gave them trivial names. I had Shannon draw all of these. In later work, I determined that some were synonyms of known species. Hopefully the drawings will back my decisions. In my list these are indented in same manner as are synonyms of established species.
The determination of the species listed with a couple of exceptions were by Don Denning.On common material he turned this over to me. In his collection a number of specimens were were labeled with genus and a letter or word to area and n.sp. In my collection the specimens he indicated as new were handed similarly. When I prepared the manuscript, I gave them trivial names. I had Shannon draw all of these. In later work, I determined that some were synonyms of known species. Hopefully the drawings will back my decisions. In my list these are indented in same manner as are synonyms of established species.
Trichoptera of CA
Due to an association with Don Denning at the time of his death, I was asked to prepare his collection for deposit in the California Academy of Sciences. While so doing I tried to note the names on his California specimens. I did not check them and, as Don often identified large numbers of specimens quickly believing he would check them before publishing, the names here are provisional until checked. I considered the names correct until they could be rechecked and many were not. My artist and I were able to find many of the specimens at the C.A.S. but not all of them. My opinion of species status is noted. I also was given the larval collection of Dr. David Lauck (Humboldt State Univ.) Which I prepared and donated to the C.A.S. This added a few more names to the list. My collection, which included that of Richard Gill, was also given to the C.A.S. Our material was predominately from the area from Tuolumne Co. into Kern Co. but we both collected in other areas of the state. I have also worked with Brian Quelvog on the aquatic insects of Tuolumne Co. And I have added species and localities from other sources such as the San Jose State Collection, BYU and the literature. Shannon also used specimens from USNM, UC Davis and Los Angeles County Museums in her drawings. In his work R. F. Gill had searched the literature and using the Denning named material plus the then available ones from our collecting made a provisional list of California species. Since then S. Bickford and I have extended the list. I hired Shannon Bickford, a scientific illustrator, to make drawings of the male genitalia of as many of the species as we could locate (for a few we could not locate Dennings specimens nor a few of those noted in the literature and so used out of state material). We were also aided by Nancy Ermin (UCD) O. S. Flint (USNM), and the curators at Univ. Cal. @ Davis, and Calif Acad. Sci. As the work was not finished, this is more of a progress report with the goal of making S. Bickford’s drawings available and my opinions on which species occur in the state, which are synonyms and which are undescribed. For my discussions I found it easiest to assign names to those that D. Denning thought were new and which I initially agreed or independently thought were undescribed. I have titled all the drawings with a species name and where there is more than one drawing for the species this is indicated by a following number (1,2,3). As the work was done awhile ago and I find the latinization of Greek adjectives to Greek generic names of little or no value nor worrying about gender correctness, I have in the drawings and my initial list retained some of the older endings. I will add a list at the end using these more acceptable names and eliminating species that I have deemed not likely in Calif. (despite a record) or list as synonyms in order to give an estimate of the number of species in the state. In conjunction with the drawings I will add my observations on status, locality or localities of note. ~ Dr. Don Burdick
You may download the enire document here (this includes both drawings and my observations): (In Adobe .PDF format):
(In Microsoft Word 2007 .DOCX format):
You may download the enire document here (this includes both drawings and my observations): (In Adobe .PDF format):
(In Microsoft Word 2007 .DOCX format):
(In Microsoft Word 1997 .DOC format):
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